Text-to-Video Tech: Bill Gates’ Promising Patent Unveiled
Text-to-Video: We Are In For A Treat
Most recent news about Bill Gates deals with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the newest invention that carries his name would fit right in with that. Text-to-speech technology has been around for a long time, and is a boon to the visually disabled, as well as those who prefer to dictate their work, rather than type. The text-to-video technology recently patented by Bill Gates and other highly-talented and trained people, promises to be something different. Here is one example of how it works, or could work, that was included in the patent application: “According...
Micro Entity Status: 3 Key Benefits for Affordable Patents
The Government Encourages Entrepreneurship
Recently there has been a change in the Government filing fees for patents to help individuals, entrepreneurs and startup companies. Basically, if you or your company qualify, the filing fee is reduced to one half of the small entity filing fee. To determine whether you or your company qualified for Micro Entity Status when filing a patent application, consider the following basic questions: Does the applicant or applicants qualify as a small entity? A small entity is determined when the owner is a "person" (i.e. individual or individuals) who has not assigned or granted any rights in the...
Prioritized Examination: A Quick 12-Month Plan
Prioritized Examination - Patent Applications - Timetable
Our clients commonly ask us how long it actually takes for a patent application to issue as a patent. Although there is no set time period, it is not unusual for 3-5 years to pass before the patent Examiner to pick up the case for examination. That delay can sometimes have a severe impact to the patent applicant by holding up the marketability of the invention and the ultimate value of the patent; especially for software inventions that can be obsolete within a few years. Naturally, clients want to know whether it is possible...
Patent Protection for Games: Rules vs Components
Patent Protection For Games
Inventors often wonder if it is possible to obtain patent protection for games, such as a card game or board game. Patent Office policy holds that “games defined as a set of rules” are not eligible for patent protection. In other words, a method claim that defines nothing more than the rules of a game without requiring anything tangible will likely be deemed unpatentable. However, unlike the mere rules of a game, the physical components used to play the game may provide a basis for obtaining patent protection. For example, the game pieces, the game board, or...
Patent vs. Licensing: 3 Essential Steps to Smart Decision Making
Patent vs. Licensing – Order of Importance
This is a fair – and frequently asked – question, but one that only each person can answer for themselves. It's tempting to think that there is a right way and a wrong way to do this, but the reality is, a lot depends on your product, the protections you have in place, and whether or not there is a market for what you've invented. Don't let the time factor influence you—getting your product to market, and protecting it, are things that are worth your time and attention.“Patent-Pending” Protects
Your invention is under protection for...
Making Your Invention Licensable: 3 Proven Benchmarks for Success
Three Things That, Together, Make Your Invention Licensable
Even if an inventor is the creative type who puts in long hours and figures out ways around obstacles simply for the joy of doing so—they still may wish to make money from their invention. For some, in fact, that is the main goal; invent something that people want to buy, and become very rich by licensing it and putting it on the market. This happens, no doubt about it, which is one reason those who've not yet been successful at this keep striving. Keep in mind, though, that not every invention will even...
Develop a Website: 4 Powerful Steps to Boost Your Invention
Keys to Creating a Successful Develop a Website Your website is only one arm of your entire web presence, or should be—but it is a very important one. Success, however, means different things to different people. For some, a successful website is one that is well-trafficked, and that brings in ad and other revenue. For other, it's one that gains a reputation as “the” place to go for information, conversation, or brilliant commentary. Before you decide how to organize your website, first decide what “success” means to you.
The First Impression Develop a Website
The first thing that most visitors see of any...